Virtual Reality Demos



Earth Elevator

The Earth Elevator is an educational VR experience where you take an elevator to the center to the earth. The elevator makes several stops along the way to provide you with information about each layer and time to look around.

Download: Windows

Requirements: Oculus Rift DK 2, 0.7 runtime, and Leap Motion


Earth Elevator Earth Elevator Earth Elevator Earth Elevator

Fairy Viewer

Fairies live all around us. But until now, the technology has not existed to see them. This application uses the Leap Motion Controller's image passthrough and the Oculus Rift to allow you to see these magical creatures for the first time. This demo was a winning entry in the Hands on VR Leap Motion Challange (2015).

Download: Mac OSX and Windows

Requirements: Oculus Rift DK 2 + Leap Motion


Midas Touch

This project combines the Oculus Rift and a Leap Motion controller to give the user the midas touch. If the user's hand collides with an object in the game, the object is rendered in gold. For more information, see the blog posts "A look at the Leap Motion: Seeing your hands in VR" and "Unity + Leap: Hand Selection UI."

Preview 1 Hand Selection UI:

Preview 2 Midas Touch Game:


VR Thought Bubbles

This is demo shows adding thought bubbles to characters using the Unity 4.6 GUI tools. A write-up of how to create this type of UI using Unity 4.6 can be found on my blog.

Download: Mac OSX

Requirements: Oculus Rift DK 2



Microscope Lab

This short VR demo uses positional tracking to allow users to peer into a microscope.

Download: Mac OSX

Requirements: Oculus Rift DK 2
